

EEDA Grand Slam 2025

EEDA is delighted to announce the launch of the Grand Slam 2025 which aims to encourage more couples to participate in some of the smaller European Competitions.  Couples who enter at least three of the following five competitions will be eligible…

ESSDA is now EEDA!

At its AGM on 18th August 2024, the members of the European Same-Sex Dance Association agreed changes to the association’s constitution to increase equity, diversity and inclusion within the organisation. As part of this, the association’s name was changed to the…

ESSDA AGM 2023 – 20th August 2023

The ESSDA AGM 2023 will be held at 9:30am BST/10:30am CEST on Sunday 20th August. An invitation and agenda has already been sent to all paid-up members and a joining link and final supporting papers will be sent at least…