Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.ESSDA Ordinary Membership *I am applying for ordinary membership of ESSDA and agree to abide by the ESSDA Constitution and BylawsOrdinary membership is open to all individuals who accept and abide by ESSDA’s Constitution and Bylaws, and who live in Europe or elect to dance for a European club or country. Ordinary members pay an annual membership fee of EUR 12.50 and have a single vote at ESSDA’s annual and extraordinary general meetings and in referendums. Name *FirstLastAddress *Country *Email *I am aDancerAdjudicator/judgeTeacherSupporter of same-sex dancingI am a member of the following dance clubs/associationsAgreement to pay the ESSDA membership fee *I agree to transfer the annual membership fee of EUR 12.50 to ESSDAMembership fees should be paid to: ESSDA, Lange Lozanastraat 16, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium; IBAN BE74 0682 5100 4907 – BELFIUS BANK, Antwerp, Belgium; BIC – GKCCBEBBSubmit