Let us celebrate ESSDA’s 10th Anniversary

2017 will be an extra special year because ESSDA has its 10th anniversary and we would like to celebrate this together with you.

We prepared several highlights to make this a special year for same-sex dancing in Europe and we count on your participation:

ESSDA 10th anniversary Grand Slam

As a 10th anniversary special we will be awarding four Grand Slam titles for same-sex dance couples in 2017!

ESSDA’s new slogan

Help us find a new slogan for ESSDA and win free entry to the European Championships!

10 years of ESSDA same-sex dancing visual and visible

We’re asking members to send us same-sex dance pictures from the last 10 years which can be displayed on the ESSDA website this year.

First-time competitors and showdance-in-teams-only competitors at EC 2017 in Berlin

Reduced fee for first-time competitors and showdance-in-teams-only competitors.