Gay Games HK2022 Update

Rewatch our January 2021 webinar: Exciting plans for 2021

Welcome to 2021. Join us in our first monthly webinar and hear the exciting plans we have in place for 2021 for the GGHK program; registration, sponsorship, contingency and how you can be involved. 

Get involved now:
– Join our team as a volunteer
– Become a Champion to promote GGHK in your community
– Invite us to your sport/community group or your company’s D&I/ERG group to talk about GGHK
– Buy our official merchandise from GGHK store
– Sign up for our newsletter
– Donate or fundraise
– Support GGHK
– Support Financial Inclusion Scholarship Program (Q1/2021)

Join and share our social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Weibo). Share our stories, tag us and use the official #unityindiversity and #GGHK

Check out our website