Gay Games 2026 – Site Selection Finalists Announced

The 2026 Gay Games XII host city shortlist vote by the Federation of Gay Games (FGG) General Assembly took place 31 Jan 2021 whittling it down from 8 to 3.

FGG wishes to thank all eight bid cities who truly put forth wonderful bids that illuminated the Federation’s principles, and we look forward to continuing the process with these three finalists.” — David Killian, Officer of Site Selection, FGG

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, CA, February 1, 2021 / — Federation Of Gay GamesAnnounces 2026 Gay Games XII Shortlist Bid Cities

The 2026 Gay Games XII host city shortlist vote by the Federation of Gay Games (FGG) General Assembly took place 31 January 2021 whittling it down from eight to the final three. Twenty cities from around the world had initially expressed interest in hosting the 2026 Games.

The shortlisted host cities are Guadalajara (MEX), Munich (GER), and Valencia (ESP).

#Gamesthatchangetheworld #Spain #Mexico #Germany #Munich #Valencia #Guadalajara #sports#Culture #LGBTQ #UnityInDiversity