Eurogames 2021 Copenhagen


A note from EuroGames 2021 Copenhagen organisers, Pan Idraet!
After years of planning, we’re now just nine months away from Copenhagen 2021, when we bring EuroGames to Copenhagen and Malmö alongside WorldPride.
EuroGames 2021in Copenhagen is going ahead. 
The Copenhagen team has now published scenarios based on different pandemic situations next summer. Our focus remains on full delivery of tournaments and events as detailed in our bid, but with the appropriate contingency plans in place in case some elements have to be scaled back. Please review the updated COVID19 statement on the EuroGames 2021 website.

Copenhagen 2021 runs from 12-22 August with EuroGames tournaments from 18-20 August and you can find a summary of all the key dates and extensive information on all events on the EuroGames 2021 website. Copenhagen has launched a smartphone app which already lists all tournaments and many events with many more to be added in the coming months. You find it here:

Preferential rates with partner hotels can be booked now, and booking for EuroGames tournaments will be opening later next month.  Signing up for the monthly email bulletin from our website will make sure that you get all the updates and information directly from Copenhagen.
The EGLSF and EuroGames 2021 Copenhagen team hope you’re planning to join us for EuroGames in Copenhagen in 2021. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact anyone on their team.