ESSDA Board Update

Following a Board meeting that has taken placed since the AGM in Rome, the following roles exist within the board for 2019/20. There will be further updates to come in respect of the new working groups that were agreed upon at the AGM and we will communicate these once they have been fully recruited to:

Piia Korpi – Co-President

Patrice Naudier – Co-President

Davy Brocatus – Treasurer

PJ MacLeod – Secretary

Patrick Sharkey – Membership Secretary

Pete Meager – Communications Officer

Michal Vanicek – Outreach Officer

Kai Lillebø – General Board Member

We look forward to a collaborative approach for the forthcoming year and if you’d like to play a part in our working groups then please do feel free to contact us directly (members email invitations will be coming out very soon).