2018’s Membership Fee – Payment Options

With respect to membership payments, voting and candidacy for an ESSDA board position: only paid-up members have voting rights and are eligible for a board position. ESSDA members who haven’t done so yet can renew their membership by paying the amount involved. Deadline for membership payments: on Monday 23 July the money needs to be in ESSDA’s bank account.

For members in non-Euro-countries the option to pay in cash at GG10 in Paris is offered. The same deadline applies: on Monday 23 July your request for this option needs to have been received by the board at treasurer@essda.eu (those who have already contacted our treasurer don’t have to send another message). A specific time and location at the dance venue in Paris will be communicated for these cash payments.

Becoming a member: you need to complete and mail the member registration form to board@essda.eu as soon as possible, to allow for either membership payment by bank transfer or requesting for payment in cash on Sunday 22 July at the latest. Candidacies for a board position (motivation letter + picture) need to be mailed to board@essda.eu on Monday 23 July 6 PM CET at the latest. This way the board can put together and mail candidates’ information to ESSDA members that same night, and have the voting procedure in place.